E.G., creating the empire of Italia as the HRE will cause the Italian vassals to lose allegiance to the HRE - Creating a title will now cause vassals dejure under it to lose title allegiance if their allegiance is to a title of the same tier.- Courtiers you have a kid with are now slightly more likely to stick around.This means no more creating a kingdom where all the vassals will go with another title - Confederate Partition now ignores land held by vassals with title allegiance when there's titles with their own separate succession (E.G., elective titles, titles with their own gender laws).- The Piety hit from being below desired spouses has been doubled.The numbers are: Baron/Count wants one, Dukes two, Kings three, and Emperors four. The Piety penalty only triggers if they are below desired spouses. - Clan rulers now desire fewer spouses the lower their tier is.- Cities and Temples now follow the same cost scale as Castles.- Building a new Temple now gives much more piety, you can't do it too often anyways.Only from within your dynasty for Disinherited The Castrated, Bastard, and Disinherited traits still block claim inheritance. - Being unable to inherit titles no longer blocks claim inheritance.- A woman being close to the fertility cutoff cap (3 years) now gives the 'Low Fertility' marriage penalty.